Reducing Your CO2 Emissions
Via Tips for reducing your CO2 emissions. is a non-profit organization that seeks to educate the public about the dangers of climate change. They also offer carbon offsets for tax deductible contributions.
"We impact the climate in many ways everyday, probably in ways you’ve never thought about.
Every time we flick on a light, turn on the heat or AC, cook, use our computer, drive or fly, we are using electricity or gas or oil. Consider that over 55% of our electricity comes from coal and almost all our heat is from oil or natural gas and you start to see the problem. Your car? Well, that’s obvious.
The average American is responsible for about 10 tons of carbon dioxide emissions annually through these ‘direct’ energy uses.
Unfortunately, it gets a bit worse. Consider all the pollution caused from some of the things we buy or use: clothes, food, roads, buildings, work, packaging, TVs, disposable diapers, toothpaste, everything plastic. Yes, even our iPods.
It really adds up. In fact, Americans on average are responsible for over 24 tons of CO2 per year. That’s almost twice a typical European and ten times the average Chinese person. As a country, America has just four percent of the global population but emits over 25% of the emissions causing climate change.
Carbonfund wants to help you reduce your climate footprint and offset the rest."
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